Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Market's Penetration & Strategies

1. The activity or fact of increasing the market share of an existing product, or promoting a new product, through strategies such as bundlingadvertising, lower prices, or volume discounts.
2. A measure of the extent of a product's sales volume relative to the total sales volume of all competing products, expressed as a percentage. FormulaSales volume of a product x 100 ÷ Total sales volume of all competing products.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/market-penetration.html#ixzz32vgubIBd


It is a measure of brand or category popularity. It is defined as the number of people who buy a specific brand or a category of goods at least once in a given period, divided by the size of the relevant market population.[1] Market penetration is one of the four growth strategies of the Product-Market Growth Matrix as defined by Ansoff. Market penetration occurs when a company penetrates a market in which current or similar products already exist. The best way[citation needed] to achieve this is by gaining competitors' customers (part of their market share). Other ways include attracting non-users of your product or convincing current clients to use more of your product/service (by advertising, etc.). Ansoff developed the Product-Market Growth Matrix to help firms recognize if there was any advantage to entering a market. The other three growth strategies in the Product-Market Growth Matrix are:
  • Product development (existing markets, new products): McDonalds is always within the fast-food industry, but frequently markets new burgers.
  • Market development (new markets, existing products): Lucozade was first marketed for sick children and then rebranded to target athletes.
  • Diversification (new markets, new products): Mohen A.S, Bion Products, Selectron Ltd


Often, managers must decide whether to seek sales growth by acquiring existing category users from their competitors or by expanding the total population of category users, attracting new customers to the market. Penetration metrics help indicate which of these strategies would be most appropriate and help managers to monitor their success. These equations might also be calculated for usage instead of purchase.[1]


Market penetration can be defined as the proportion of people in the target who bought (at least once in the period) a specific brand or a category of goods. Two key measures of a product’s 'popularity' are penetration rate and penetration share. The penetration rate (also called penetration, brand penetration or market penetration as appropriate) is the percentage of the relevant population that has purchased a given brand or category at least once in the time period under study. A brand’s penetration share, in contrast to penetration rate, is determined by comparing that brand’s customer population to the number of customers for its category in the relevant market as a whole. Here again, to be considered a customer, one must have purchased the brand or category at least once during the period.[1]


The penetration that brands and products have can be recorded by companies such as ACNielsen and TNS who offer panel measurement services to calculate this and other consumer measures. In these cases penetration is given as a percentage of a country's households who have bought that particular brand or product at least once within a defined period of time.


  1. Jump up to:a b c Farris, Paul W.; Neil T. Bendle; Phillip E. Pfeifer; David J. Reibstein (2010). Marketing Metrics: The Definitive Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN 0137058292. The definitions, purposes, and constructs of classes of measures that appear in Marketing Metrics are part of the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) ongoing Common Language: Marketing Activities and Metrics Project.


Market penetration, sometimes referred to as a market share, is a measure of the percentage of sales volumean existing product or business achieves in relation to the competition. A product that earns $25 out of every $100 of sales of all product sales in its category has a 25 percent penetration rate, or share. To increase market penetration, a business can employ a number of strategies in an effort to take sales from its competitors.

Price Adjustments

One common market penetration strategy is to make price adjustments. By lowering prices, the business hopes to generate more sales volume by increasing the number of units purchased and to make prices more appealing to consumers when compared to the competition. Companies may also pursue a strategy of higher prices in the hope that higher revenues per unit sold translate into higher sales volume and a resulting increase in market penetration. With this strategy, a concern is that higher prices could deter customers from making a purchase.

Increased Promotion

Companies may choose to increase market penetration through greater promotional efforts. They may launch an advertising campaign to generate greater brand awareness or implement a short-term promotion with a finite ending date. A promotion is often linked with pricing, such as advertising a special sale price for a limited period. A competitor may counter a successful promotion with one of its own in an attempt to regain lost market share.

More Distribution Channels

A company can attempt to increase market penetration by increasing the methods it uses to get products into the hands of consumers, making them more readily available. For instance, a company that traditionally sells its products through retail outlets may add distribution channels such as sending direct mail offerings or instituting a telemarketing operation. It may also attempt to gain additional selling space in current distribution channels, such as when purchasing additional display space in retail stores.

Product Improvements

Making product improvements can be used to create new interest in a stagnating product or to offer an extra benefit when using it. Consumer products manufacturers have often used the "new and improved" claim to entice customers to give a product another chance or to improve the perception of quality. Companies can also change the product's packaging to give it a more modern design that might appeal to a younger customer base.

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There may be no better exemplar of the need to modify business practices when expanding to another country than innovation. Quick check-ins just won’t cut it in India, for example. Instead, companies must understand that customers in emerging markets will not respond to a frivolous innovation but they will buy one tailor made for them, a frugal innovation. This author describes how to do it.
In recent years, companies looking to expand have shifted their focus to emerging markets. But if they are to succeed in these markets companies must understand that they will also have to effect another, highly important shift. They will have to change their approach to innovation.
For most companies in Western markets, innovation has meant the developmentof new products with more advanced features at premium prices. But in emerging markets, where their products must appeal to the millions who don’t have millions, companies will need to master the art of frugal innovation. However, understanding frugal innovation and learning how to practice it are much easier said than done.
Ten years ago, the late C.K. Prahalad and Allen Hammond described the potential benefits of creating viable products and services for the 4 billion people who earn less than $2000 per year[i]. This potential has become even more alluring, given the higher birth rate in poorer nations. But money is in short supply for the bottom-of-the-pyramid customers, so companies need to employ frugal innovation if their products are to offer the right value proposition. This article highlights the issues that companies need to manage well to succeed with frugal innovation.


While planning innovations for bottom-of-the-pyramid customers, affordability becomes the key issue. Companies need to understand what customers feel is an affordable price.
The answer can often surprise companies because the price point could be just a small fraction of prices in Western markets. For example, in India, small sachets of Tide are selling for one rupee, only ($1 = Rs. 50). The affordable sachet format is very popular in categories like detergents, shampoos, and even for products like coffee and tea. Though the cost per unit of volume/weight of the product is much higher for sachets, the price is considered attractive by the target customers. Grocery stores are able to push high volumes of sachets and consider it worth their efforts.
A similar approach has worked well in the cellular telephone service category. Brands like Vodafone have been able to penetrate the Indian market by selling pre-paid cellular phone service vouchers for as low as Rs.10. Reaching mass consumers has been made possible by selling the vouchers through grocery and convenience stores.
The challenge for companies is to use innovation to drive down the price to a level that economically disadvantaged consumers feel is affordable. This is what we mean by frugal innovation. Different approaches have been used to achieve this objective.
The Aravind Eye Hospital in India is a case in point. The hospital carries out cataract removal on more than 200,000 people every year, with an average cost of each treatment of $25[ii]. This drastically lower cost has been achieved by introducing process efficiencies and getting more output from doctors and nurses. In fact, for all poor people (60 percent of the patients) the operation is free. This is made possible by subsidizing Aravind’s cost, namely by charging the other patients between $50 and $300, which is still a fraction of the cost charged by hospitals in Western countries.
This affordability is also backed up by state-of-the-art quality. The infection rate (a key determinant of quality for medical cases), is lower than that for conventional Western hospitals. Therefore, frugal innovation needs to be driven by developing a model wherein affordability is the central issue. The business model needs to be structured and innovated upon, but only after taking into account the aspect of affordable pricing.
Another useful example of affordable pricing in innovations is the oft-cited GE Healthcare’s portable ECG diagnostic machine, the MAC 1[iii]. The machine is priced at $535 and the cost of a single ECG is just 20 cents. The GE team had zeroed in on the price point first and then found ways of developing a product of acceptable quality at the pre-determined price. The challenge for GE was to ensure the economic viability of the innovation and find out the best ways to sell to the segment that was craving for this product. But after the successful launch of the product, GE was able to sell it in over 100 countries.


Begin the journey by identifying target customers’ critical considerations. This implies that the companies must understand the real conditions under which the customer lives and uses the product. For example, when Nokia planned its low-price mobiles for emerging markets like India, it realized that the product had to be very rugged and withstand exposure to dust, high variations in ambient temperatures, and offer the facility of a torch, since large parts of rural areas suffered from frequent power cuts. The low price point was maintained but the aforementioned features enhanced the acceptability of the product for the economically disadvantaged customers in small towns and villages.
The water purifier Swach (a product of Tata Chemicals) is also a good example of a frugal innovation that considered the needs of target custsomers. The Tatas had figured out that the unavailability of safe drinking water for the economically disadvantaged people had been a worldwide social menace. Research undertaken by various Tata companies (such as TCS and Tata Chemicals) created the opportunity to develop an affordably-priced water purifier which used rice husk combined with silver nano particles for the filtration process[iv].
Consideration of the context under which the target customers would be using the purifier is truly noteworthy. Tata managers were aware that most poor Indian families who would need purified water did not enjoy running water in their households. Also, the availability of electricity for these people could not be taken for granted, given the shortfall in the supply of electricity and poor infrastructure in rural areas. Therefore, Swach was designed in a manner that did not require running tap water or electricity. As well, the cartridge that enabled purification could be replaced easily by any householder without any technical assistance. All these conveniences, when coupled with the fact that Tata Swach is the world’s lowest-cost water purifier (at 10 paise per litre), uggest that it is a stellar example of frugal innovation.
Likewise, in the case of GE’s MAC ECG device, the R&D costs of product development were much lower, since the engineers were based in India. Further, by using the commercially available chips instead of customized processing chips, GE was able to reduce costs immensely.  To ensure that the device would function smoothly in India, the team ensured that the dust from rural roads would not cause the device to jam. The battery was also redesigned to withstand the local conditions. All these innovations ensured that the product was accepted.
Another good example of frugal innovation is the launch of transfer of funds through SMS (short messaging service) in mobile telephony by Safaricom in Kenya. The fact that large segments of the sub-Saharan population were not using traditional banking services but were mobile phone users prompted Safaricom to launch M-PESA, a service which enables each user to transfer funds to another mobile phone service user[v]. In fact, the service is being used by both the banking and the non-banking population. For Safaricom, the fact that these customers had mobile phones and required funds to be transferred represented the dots that had to be connected. In fact, the M-PESA service is being used by customers for the safe storage of money as well, sonmething that is pushing up household savings. Many are using it to pay utility bills which otherwise requires travelling long distances. Needless to say, users have found the M-PESA service to be highly affordable.


Perhaps the biggest hurdle in crafting frugal innovations is the highly inflexible value chain. Though several companies pride themselves and feel that they possess exemplary value chains, the chains pose a serious hurdle when it comes to creating offerings for economically disadvantaged consumers. In fact, the value chain needs to be tweaked at both ends – suppliers and vendors as well as distributors and channels.
The success of GE’s ECG device was made possible through a well-crafted distribution model. Though GE Healthcare has been supplying high-end medical diagnostic equipment to the major hospitals, the value chain used for those customers is very different. To reach out to the rural doctors and the clinics that dot the countryside, GE had to develop a more appropriate channel. First, GE tied up with the State Bank of India (SBI) — which had a high penetration of rural markets — to provide no-interest loans for rural doctors. The sales pitch to the rural doctors explained how the device would pay for itself within 2 years by considering a certain number of ECG reports at less than $1 per patient. These innovations were needed to win the trust and credibility of the targeted segment.
The German multi-national Siemens has fostered a collaborative approach among engineers from various countries including India, China, Brazil, Europe and the US[vi]. The engineers work together in international teams and contribute what they do best, resulting in noteworthy frugal innovations. For example, the team has helped create a low-cost, energy-saving, waste-water treatment method, an innovation that augurs well for all emerging markets where water is scarce and most consumers have limited access to clean water.
Therefore, the value chain of an organization can be re-configured for facilitating frugal innovations, even by using internal resources and collaboration. A similar example can be cited for the Tata Swach innovation. The idea had originated in TCS and the product was created by a joint team of Tata Chemicals and TCS. To enable the mass manufacturing of the product, the expertise of Titan Industries ( a maker of watches and precision equipment) was sought. Also, the after-sales service backbone was created with the help of Tata Business Support Solutions and Tata Teleservices. With each collaborating organization lending their capabilities to the Tata Swach, the product offered the right value to customers.     
The issues discussed above are virtually critical for companies hoping to penetrate emerging markets and serve the needs of the bottom-of-the-pyramid customers. The aspects of affordable pricing, addressing critical considerations of customers, and re-constitution of the value chain will decide the winners and losers in frugal innovation. The framework given in Figure 1 provides action points for companies that intend to succeed with frugal innovation. The toolkit given below should be used by companies to ask the pertinent questions that will guide them in their efforts related to frugal innovation.
 Affordable Pricing Chart

  • What is the price to value perception of our customer?
  • What price does the customer feel is an affordable price when it comes to fulfilling the need that the company is trying to help the customer fulfil?

  • What are the critical considerations that the customer has with regard to the fulfilment of the need?
  • How can we innovate to ensure that the customer’s need gets fulfilled at the price the customer considers as affordable?

  • How should the value chain be re-constituted to enable successful rollout of the innovation?
  • Which partnerships should we develop and nurture to ensure the acceptance of the innovation by target customers (for example in the manufacturing, distribution, sales, service etc.)?


[i] Prahalad, C.K. and Hammond, Allen (2002) Serving the World’s Poor, Profitably.Harvard Business Review, Vol. 80 Issue 9, p48-57
[ii] http://www.managing-innovation.com/case_studies/Aravind%20Eye%20Clinics.pdf
[v] http://www.mit.edu/~tavneet/M-PESA.pdf

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Fasa E : Penyediaan Sistem "Logistic"

Index Fasa
Fasa A : Pengenalan serta Persediaan Bakal Usahawan  (Done)
Fasa B : Kenalpasti Jenis Perniagaan dan Dimana? (Done)
Fasa C : Modal serta Rancangan Perniagaan (Done)
Fasa D : Penyediaan Sistem Jaringan Perniagaan "Networking' (Done)
Fasa E : Penyediaan Sistem "Logistic"
Fasa F : Permulaan Berhubung Dengan Pembekal atau Pengilang
Fasa G : Cara Negosiasi yang Efektif dengan Pembekal serta Pengilang
Fasa H : Membuat keputusan untuk membeli
Fasa I  : Membawa masuk Barangan ke Malaysia
Fasa J :  Memasarkan Barangan


Fasa E : Penyediaan Sistem "Logistic"


Logistik adalah satu perkataan yang merujuk  kepada secara saintifik satu perancangan, reka bentuk, dan sokongan operasi perniagaan perolehan, pembelian, inventori, pergudangan, pengedaran, pengangkutan, sokongan pelanggan, kewangan dan sumber manusia.


Sistem ini membantu mengerakkan perniagaan serta perkhidmatan dari sumbernya kepada pengguna akhir melalui aliran perjalanan samada dari darat, laut, udara ataupun secara maya. Ia juga merupakan satu kitaran hayat bagi pruduk-produck yang di hantar (Products Life Cycles). Selagi mana istem ini berfungsi dengan baik dan tiada hadangan samada secara smeulajadi seperti kerosakan kenderaan ataupun secara perundangan (KASTAM), selagi itulah ianya akan menjadi nadi utama di dalam arteri sesebuah perniagaan.

Carta 2: Aliran Sistem Logistik dan Kitaran Perniagaan. 

Apa Yang Perlu Ada

Untuk menjayakan sesuatu Sistem Logistik elemen-elemen yang perlu wujud adalah seperti berikut:

- Barangan Dagangan atau Perkhidmatan (Penawaran).
- Permintaan terhadap Barangan / Perkhidmatan tersebut.
- Sistem Internet @ Sistem Informasi (Ordering & Reporting Systems) 
- Sistem Pengankutan (Darat/Laut/Udara) yang boleh dipercayai.
- Sistem Pergudangan

Bagaimana Untuk Menyusun Aliran Logistik

Logistik atau pengurusan Logistik merupakan sebahagian daripada proses "supply chain" yang merancang, mengimplementasikan, dan mengendalikan secara efisien dan efektif sesuatu aliran serta penyimpanan barang, perkhidmatan, dan informasi berkaitan dari tpermulaan sehingga ke pengguna akhir untuk memenuhi keperluan pelanggan (Council of Logistics Management (CLM), 1986).

Pada prinsipnya, dalam suatu sistem logistik terdapat dua aliran utama. Aliran pertama adalah aliran barang dari pembekal bahan mentah ke kilang/pengeluar  hingga kepada pelanggan. Berlawanan dengan arah aliran barang, terdapat aliran informasi yang mengalir balik dari pelanggan, ke pengilang hingga ke pembekal bahan mentah. Selain memperhatikan aliran barang, pengurusan logistik juga menumpukan kepada proses penyimpanan barang tersebut.

Sebagai sebuah sistem, logistik terdiri atas beberapa subsistem atau komponen-komponen utama, iaitu Persediaan, Pergudangan, Transportasi, dan Sistem Informasi. Komponen-komponen sistem logistik tersebut saling berkait antara satu sama lain.

Berikut adalah penjelasan ringkas untuk setiap komponen tersebut.

1. Persediaan

Persediaan (inventory)  adalah stok atau perkara-perkara yang digunakan untuk melengkapkan pengeluaran (bahan mentah dan barang separuh siap), kegiatan-kegiatan (penyelengaraan, maintenance, dan operating supplies), dan khidmat pelanggan (barang siap dan hampir siap). Dalam theory of contraints, perkara-perkara tersebut dibeli untuk dijual kembali, ia mencakupi barang siap, barang separuh siap, dan bahan mentah (APICS Dictionary, 10th ed.)

Modal untuk membiaya pengeluaran tersebut harus disediakan. Namun demikian, persediaan harus diadakan dengan beberapa syarat, iaitu: (1) economies of scale, iaitu pengeluaran akan bersifat ekonomi jika mencapai jumlah tertentu, (2) keseimbangan jumlah pengeluaran (Supply) dan permintaan (Demand), (3) Pengkhususan, (4) melindungi perniagaan dari risiko yang tak pasti, dan (5) sebagai penyangga (buffer) sepanjang rantaian pengeluaran.

Persediaan ini dapat dibezakan dalam beberapa bentuk , iaitu: persediaan kitaran (cycle stock), persediaan in-transit, persediaan penyangga (safety atau buffer stock), persediaan spekulatif (speculative stock), persediaan bermusim (seasonal stock), dan stok mati (dead stock).

Akibat dari adanya persediaan adalah akan perlunya modal-modal yang harus dikeluarkan. Modal utama persediaan dapat dibezakan dengan: inventory carrying costs, order/setup costs, expected stock-out costs, dan in-transit inventory carrying costs.

Inventory carrying costs meliputi: Pembiayaan modal (capital cost), Pembiayaan ruang penyimpanan (storage space cost), Pembiayaan perkhidmatan (inventory service cost), dan Pembiayaan risiko (inventory risk cost).

Jumlah persediaan harus diuruskan pada suatu peringkat yang optimal. Jumlah persediaan yang terlalu tinggi atau terlalu rendah akan memberi impak terhadap pembiayaan atau risiko tertentu. Jumlah atau tingkat persediaan yang tinggi memang akan memberikan beberapa keuntungan, seperti jaminan sumber tenaga kerja untuk kegiatan produksi atau memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. Namun, akibatnya dari tingkat persediaan yang tinggi adalah kewangan yang besar yang harus ditanggung, baik dari sudut modal mahupun risiko persediaan. Risiko persediaan merangkumi risiko-risiko: kehilangan, kerosakan, dan keusangan (obsolescence).

Dengan jumlah atau tahap persediaan yang rendah, bermakna pembiayaan modal yang dikeluarkan juga rendah.  Namun, jumlah atau tahap persediaan yang rendah memberi impak terhadap jaminan tenaga kerja yang rendah untuk produksi dan memenuhi permintaan pelanggan. Apabila produksi dan pemenuhan permintaan pelanggan terganggu, maka terjadi kehilangan peluang penjualan (lost of sales) hingga kehilangan pelanggan (lost of customers).

2. Pergudangan

Gudang merupakan satu prasarana penting dalam sistem logistik yang mempunyai fungsi utama sebagai tempat penyimpanan barang atau produk. Barang atau produk disimpan sementara waktu sebelum digunakan atau dikirimkan ke tempat yang memerlukan.

Dalam sistem pergudangan terdapat tiga kegiatan utama pengurusan barang, iaitu di bahagian penerimaan, di dalam gudang, dan di bahagian pengiriman. Pengurusan barangan tersebut memerlukan pelbagai kaedah serta peralatan.

Fungsi gudang dapat dibezakan sebagai terminal konsolidasi, pusat distribusi, Operasi pecah pukal "break-bulk" , in-transit mixing, dan cross-dock operations.

- Terminal konsolidasi: gudang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan beberapa jenis barang dari sumber masing-masing untuk selanjutnya dikirimkan ke tempat tujuan selepas di gabungkan.

- Pusat distribusi: gudang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan beberapa macam barang dari sumber masing-masing untuk selanjutnya dikirimkan ke beberapa tempat tujuan.

- Break-bulk operation: gudang digunakan untuk menerima barang atau produk dalam jumlah atau volume besar, kemudian dipecah-pecah atau dibahagi-bahagikan dalam jumlah atau volume yang lebih kecil dan selanjutnya dikirimkan ke beberapa tempat tujuan.

- In-transit mixing: gudang digunakan untuk menerima atau mengumpulkan beberapa macam barang dari sumber masing-masing, kemudiannya dibahagi-bahagikan dan digabungkan atau dikombinasikan dengan beberapa  variasi jenis barangan dan jumlah yang sesuai dengan permintaan, serta selanjutnya dikirimkan ke beberapa tempat tujuan (asal permintaan) tersebut.

- Cross-dock operation: gudang digunakan untuk menerima barang atau produk dari sumber untuk seterusnya segera dikirimkan ke tempat tujuan masing-masing tanpa mengalami proses penyimpanan di gudang tersebut.

Perkara penting berkaitan dengan gudang adalah penentuan jumlah, lokasi, dan kapasiti. Jumlah gudang harus dipertimbangkan secara optimal. Selain akan mempengaruhi perbelanjaan operasi, jumlah gudang akan mempengaruhi pola, kekerapan, dan perbelanjaan pengangkutan. Lokasi ditentukan dengan mempertimbangkan akses, baik akses dari tempat-tempat pekerja mahupun akses ke tempat-tempat permintaan atau tujuan. Kapasiti gudang berkaitan dengan jumlah dan dimensi barang atau produk yang akan disimpan. Semua perkara yang dipertimbangkan tersebut akan mempengaruhi cara kerja pergudangan mahupun sistem logistik secara keseluruhan.

3. Transportasi

Dalam sistem logistik, pengangkutan berperanan bagi perencanaan, penjadualan, dan pengendalian aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan jenis pengangkutan, vendor, dan pemindahan persediaan masuk dan keluar suatu organisasi.

Pemilihan cara pengangkutan merupakan permasalahan yang penting. Pemilihan ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor, seperti keadaan geografi, kapasiti, kekerapan, perbelanjaan (tarif), kapasiti, ketersediaan, kualiti perkhidmatan dan kebolehpercayaan (waktu pengiriman, kepelbagaian, reputasi, dll.). Secara umum, jenis pengangkutan dibezakan atas kereta api, trak, pengangkutan air, pengangkutan udara, dan paip.

Perkara lain yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengangkutan adalah mengenai "local pickup and delivery" serta "long-haul movements". Pengeluar terbabit biasanya akan memmerhatikan perbezaan karakteristik jangkauan atau jarak ini dengan strategi pengangkutan yang berbeza. Untuk "local pickup and delivery", pengeluar biasanya menggunakan pengangkutan sendiri. Untuk long-haul movements, biasanya menggunakan outsourcing kepada penyedia perkhidmatan logistik (third-party logistics provider).

Dalam sistem pengangkutan,  pertimbangan dari sudut ekonomi mencakupi jarak, jumlah berat, kepadatan (density), dan bentuk (stowability). Pertambahan jarak, misalnya, akan menyebabkan bertambahnya perbelanjaan. Namun, pertambahan jarak tidak selalunya selari dengan pertambahan perbelanjaan. Pertambahan pembiayaan ini berkecenderungan akan berkurang ketika jarak terus bertambah.

Jumlah berat barang atau produk akan mempengaruhi keekonomian pengangkutan tersebut, iaitu perbelanjaan penyatuan berat barang. Semakin berat barang, maka kos peyatuan berat barang akan berkecenderungan semakin murah.

Aras kepadatan dan kemudahan bentuk barang atau produk untuk disusun dalam jenis pengangkutan juga akan mempengaruhi ekonomisasi pengangkutan tersebut. Semakin mudah penyusunan barang atau produk tersebut bererti pengangkutan semakin ekonomi, kerana barang atau produk tersebut akan semakin memaksimalkan penggunaan kapasiti ruang pengangkutan tersebut.

4. Sistem Informasi

Sistem informasi adalah saling berkaitan secara fizikal  dan maya dengan orang serta proses yang dirancang untuk pengumpulan, pemerosesan, dan diseminasi informasi untuk perencanaan, membuat keputusan, dan pengendalian (APICS Dictionary, 10th ed.)

Sistem informasi diperlukan untuk mengintegrasikan komponen-komponen dan kegiatan-kegiatan dalam sistem logistik. Efektifnya proses-proses dalam sistem logistik sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualiti informasi yang digunakan. Kualiti informasi dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek, yaitu: (1) ketersediaan informasi yang diperlukan untuk membuat keputusan-keputusan terbaik, (2) ketepatan informasi, (3) efektifnya sistem komunikasi.