Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pohon Cherry Grill Home Kiosk Program

Jenama Pohon Cherry GrillTM adalah produk dibawah kelolaan Alveo Legame Enterprise. Program Pengedar “Home Kiosk Pohon Cherry Grill” ini adalah satu inisiatif daripada pihak kami untuk membantu rakyat Malaysia yang mahu untuk memulakan perniagaan tetapi modal adalah terhad. Dari serendah RM2,300.00 sahaja, pihak kami yakin dapat membantu anda menjana pendapatan tambahan diantara RM805 sehingga RM1500 sebulan atau lebih. Ianya bergantung kepada kerajinan, usaha serta inisiatif anda untuk maju. Kami sasarkan untuk membantu 1,000 bakal usahawan yang mahu untuk berubah serta mempunyai kehendak untuk Berjaya. Dimana pihak kami akan menjadi mentor serta akan membantu anda untuk Berjaya. Kami akan bantu anda mengatur langkah untuk Berjaya.
Matlamat utama skim pengedar ini adalah untuk:
1- Membantu usahawan untuk memulakan langkah perniagaan dengan modal yang kecil.
2- Menyediakan saluran perniagaan bagi usahawan yang baru .
3- Membantu mereka-mereka yang ingin menambahkan pendapatan akibat daripada kekangan ekonomi.
4- Membantu membasmi kemiskinan dikalangan rakyat Malaysia dengan menerapkan suatu perniagaan yang mudah serta senang untuk dijalankan.
5- Berkongsi ilmu perniagaan dengan para usahawan.
6- Memotivasikan Rakyat Malaysia untuk terus berusaha bagi memperbaiki taraf kehidupan sedia ada kepada satu kehidupan yang lebih lestari.
7- Mempelbagaikan lagi daya saing ekonomi dikalangan Rakyat Malaysia.

Mencipta 1,000 Usahawan yang berdaya saing
Meningkatkan Taraf Hidup Usahawan
Mencipta Usahawan Berilmu
Menerapkan Kerjasama Antara Usahawan untuk Maju

Kami akan mencari seramai 1000 orang bakal usahawan yang ingin mengubah kehidupan diri mereka kearah yang lebih baik. Dimana kami akan membantu mereka untuk memulakan perniagaan berasaskan makanan sejuk-beku sedia untuk digrill. Dimana produk-produk ini akan dibekalkan secara berkala kepada pengedar. Selain itu, kami juga akan mengembangkan perniagaan ini menjadi sebagai satu pembekal makanan GRILL yang terbaik di Malaysia. Jadi kami akan bawa anda maju bersama kami. 

Bagaimana operasi berjalan
Pihak kami akan meneliti setiap permohonan dengan teliti dan usahawan yang Berjaya akan dibekalkan dengan set permulaan perniagaan.
1- Peti Sejuk-Beku saiz 120liter
2- 100 pek permulaan produk Pohon Cherry GrillTM bersama sos istimewa.
(60 pek Kambing/20 pek Daging Lembu/20 pek Ayam)
3- Bahan Promosi (Sampel)
500pcs Flyers
1 Banner

Bagaimana anda mendapat semula modal serta untung
Pihak kami yakin apabila anda menyertai program ini, Cuma hanay dalam masa 3 pusiangan atau 3 bulan (yang mana dahulu) sahaja anda telah boleh mendapat kembali modal pusingan anda RM2.300.00 tersebut.
Contoh pengiraan Pulangan atas Pelaburan (ROI):
Modal Permulaan : RM2,300.00
Kiraan Pulangan Modal
Harga Jual – Kambing RM11.50/pek (Kos RM9)
                      Lembu    RM9.00/pek  (Kos RM7)
                      Ayam      RM9.50/pek (Kos RM8)
Pusingan 1 / Bulan 1:
            Pendapatan – Kambing RM11.50 x 60pek = 690
                                    Lembu     RM9 x 20pek = 180
                                    Ayam      RM9.50 x 20pek = 190
            Jumlah Pendapatan Pusiangan 1 = RM1,060.00
Dianggap pendapatan jualan 100 pek produk bagi pusingan 2 serta 3 adalah setara dgn pusingan 1:
Pusingan 1      = RM1,060.00
Pusingan 2      = RM1,060.00
Pusingan 3      = RM1,060.00
Jumlah besar = RM3,180.00
Perbandingan Modal dengan pendapatan bagi 3 pusingan:
Modal Permulaan RM2,300.00
Pendapatan Dalam 3 Pusingan RM3,180.00
Untung Selepas 3 pusingan RM880, Modal pusingan juga anda perolehi dalam masa 3 pusingan atau 3 bulan tersebut.
Selepas itu, anda boleh menggunakan modal tersebut untuk menambah stok barangan jualan untuk meningkatkan juamlah jualan serta keuntungan bulanan anda.  
Kiraan anggaran keuntungan bulanan selepas 3 pusingan:
Stok anda ditingkatkan kepada 400pek sebulan.
Jumlah Pek
Harga Jualan
Harga Kos

*Jumlah Keuntungan kasar bulanan: RM900.00 Hasil keuntungan akan bertambah dengan peningkatan jualan.
Tanggungjawab Kami
1- Meningkatkan aktiviti promosi serta pengiklanan
2- Membekalkan Produk serta alatan kepada anda seperti yang dijanjikan
3- Menjaga kualiti produk setiap masa
4- Membantu anda dari segi pengetahuan perniagaan serta pemasaran
5- Memberi motivasi kepada anda setiap masa
Tanggungjawab Anda
1- Yakin untuk Berjaya
2- Bersedia untuk menjadi usahawan
3- Bersedia untuk berubah menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya

Borang Permohonan Pengedar Home Kiosk



No. I/C

No. Telefon

Saya seperti nama diatas ingin memohon untuk menyertai Program Usahawan Home Kiosk Pohon Cherry GrillTM. Dengan ini saya bersetuju dengan terma serta syarat yang di beri. Disertakan bayaran berjumlah RM2,300.00 sebagai modal pusingan untuk program ini.
*Pembayaran melalui Maybank Bhd Cawangan Lagenda Height Sg. Petani Kedah: 552189505883 Alveo Legame Enterprise. Sila sertakan resit atau slip Bank-In bersama borang ini sebagai rujukan kami.
*Penghantaran alatan serta produk akan dibuat dalam masa 3 minggu dari tarikh permohonan dibuat. (bergantung kepada lokasi pengedar).

Yang Benar

Untuk Rujukan Syarikat:
Tarikh Terima: ……./……./………….
No. Rujukan Pengedar: ………../………..

Nama  :
Tarikh  : 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Spec Sheets: Defining Quality As an Industry Outsider

Source: ChinaImportal's Newsletter!

Spec Sheet
China has evolved into an increasingly sophisticated production hub. While MNCs in certain industries might consider other manufacturing bases, China (and Guangdong province in particular) has never been more attractive to e-commerce companies and hardware Startups. On the other end of the supply chain, and Shopify are making it easier and faster than ever to gain market access.

‘Who is an Industry outsider?’

In this ‘gold rush’, the doors are essentially open to anyone, including the industry outsider – a company or individuals without any previous experience in the industry. Think bankers going sportswear designers. The industry outsider is largely unaware of how ‘quality’ is defined for their product. Meanwhile, they tend to assume that the supplier is responsible for ensuring a certain, perhaps imaginary and undefined, quality standard.
This could not be more wrong. Knowing what defines the quality of your product is the key to prevent quality issues in the first place. In my experience, a lack of clear specifications is, by far, the most common reason for severe quality issues. As compared to, say, deliberate usage of substandard components and intentional quality fade.
To help you prevent this from happening, we explain how you can identify allrelevant technical specifications for your product, using spec sheets on and Amazon. We also explain how you, in turn, can use the spec sheet to identify various quality and product customization options. But first, let’s recap on why a spec sheet is where every product begins and ends.

Why is it important to identify product specifications and quality options?

In contract manufacturing, it’s not the supplier’s responsibility to define and ensure quality. To anyone with an engineering or industry background, this is fairly obvious. However, industry outsiders often lack technical understanding of the product they intend to develop, and must therefore learn how product quality is defined, from scratch. Quality is, in turn, defined by the specification sheet.
Hence, the first step is to identify all relevant specifications, and then let the manufacturer respond to each one. Don’t assume that the supplier communicates all relevant specifications. They might have their own reasons for not communicating certain aspects, or simply be unaware. By letting the supplier ‘fill in the gaps’, you expose your business to the risk of severe quality issues due to misunderstandings, or due to usage of low quality components.

1. Research specification sheets on GlobalSources and Alibaba

alibaba spec sheet
Suppliers on and tend to publish very extensive specification sheets. However, the detail varies, and some suppliers leave certain specs out. Review specification sheets from as many suppliers as possible, preferably fifteen to twenty, to draft a full list. Supplier spec sheets can also reveal various quality options (i.e., materials or components), and give a hint about applicable product standards and regulations (i.e., RoHS).

2. Research specification sheets on, Ebay and Online stores

As a complement to, detailed specification sheets can often be found on, Ebay and smaller Online stores. For natural reasons, spec sheets on and other B2C sites are not as detailed as those presented on B2B directories. However, they may still reveal certain technical details and regulatory requirements.

3. Request spec sheets and quotations from selected manufacturers

Once you have drafted a list reference specification sheet, you must research the various options (one or more) available for each specification. Request the suppliers to quote what they consider as ‘low, medium and high quality’ – which in turn is reflected by the quoted price. Provide a full list of specifications to which the supplier must respond. Below follows a simple (and far from complete) spec sheet for an E27 LED bulb light:
SpecificationsSKU A: Low QualitySKU B: Medium QualitySKU C: High Quality
Base TypeE27E27E27
Light SourceSMD 2835SMD 2835SMD 2835
Lifetime30000 h40000 h50000 h
Lumens600 lm600 lm800 lm
Request quotations from at least five to six different suppliers. Also remember to communicate your compliance requirements, as this has a major impact on the unit price.

Get Accurate Pricing & Product Data
From Verified Manufacturers in Asia

We help Startups & SMEs to get access to accurate information on unit pricing, tooling costs and lead times, for both ODM (Private Label) and OEM (Custom Designed) products. We have solutions tailored for the following industries:
Apparel & Textiles, Watches & Accessories, Electronics,
Home Products, Toys & Children, Materials, Parts & Tools

3D Printer & Filament Manufacturers in China: A Complete Guide

You are reading ChinaImportal's Newsletter!

3D printer manufacturers
In recent years, 3D printers have become an affordable commodity, costing as little as US$500. This is largely due to the rapid expansion of China’s 3D printer manufacturers. In this article, we share the findings from our own industry research, including manufacturing clusters, compliance related issues and technical specifications.

Primary 3D Printer Manufacturing Clusters in Mainland China

The rapid development of the 3D printer industry is relatively recent. As with most electronics, Shenzhen in Guangdong province is home to the greater part China’s 3D printer manufacturers. There are, however, smaller cluster in other cities and provinces, one of them is Jinhua in Zhejiang, located a three hour drive from Shanghai.
Many minor traders, lacking technical expertise to communicate buyer requirements and ensure quality, have picked up the 3D printer as some sort of gimmick product. As such, many suppliers on online B2B directories are mere middlemen, offering nothing but increased costs and risks. Instead, I advise 3D printer buyers to identify and assess manufacturers on the following factors:
a. Registered Capital: This is a research and capital intensive industry. RMB 10,000,000 (approximately US$1,580,000) and above is to be expected from a medium scale 3D printer manufacturer.
b. Compliance Track Record: 3D printers are, as other machines, subject to various product standards and regulations. Ensure that the supplier has previous experience manufacturing 3D printers according to the standards and regulations in your country.
c. Quality Management System (QMS): A QMS, for example, ISO 9001:2008, is implemented to track and prevent defective components and units. Click here to read more about Quality Management Systems.

3D Printer Product Specifications

Regardless of whether you buy ODM printers off shelf, or develop an OEM model, you need to keep track of defining product specifications. Below follows two sample specifications:
SKU3D Printer A3D Printer B
Print TechnologyFDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling)
Technical Specifications
– Unit Dimensions450 x 390 x675 mm380 x 360 x 440 mm
– 3D printer Build Envelope300 x 200 x400 mm245 x 205 x 200 mm
– Layer Thickness0.05 – 0.3 mm 0.06 – 0.4 mm
 – Print Accuracy (mm)
X-axis: +/- 0.01
Y-axis: +/- 0.01
Z-axis: +/- 0.002
X-axis: +/- 0.01
Y-axis: +/- 0.01
Z-axis: +/- 0.002
– Nozzle Workig Temperature260 C230 C
– Nozzle Diameter0.4 mm0.5 mm
– Nozzle Moving Speed20 – 150 mm / s (Adjustable)20 – 110 mm / s (Adjustable)
– Heating Time
Nozzle: < 2 min
Platform: < 10 min
Nozzle: < 2 min
Platform: < 10 min
– Voltage
VAC 50/60 Hz
95V – 265V
VAC 50/60 Hz
95V – 265V
– Power350 W350 W
– Type3 mm PLA / PETG / ABS3 mm PLA / PETG / ABS
– Single ColorYesyes
USB: Yes
SD Card: Yes
SD Card: Yes
Support SoftwareSoldWorks, PRO-E, Auto CAD, 3dx Max, UG, Rhino, MayaSoldWorks, PRO-E, Auto CAD, 3dx Max, UG, Rhino, Maya
Support OSiOS, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, LinuxiOS, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP, Linux
Make sure to list all specifications before making a quotation request. Don’t rely on the supplier to list all specifications.

Pricing & Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

While the MOQ is often as low as 5 to 10 pcs, 3D printer manufacturers can often offer major discounts when buying larger volumes. Below follows a few, authentic, price examples for a basic desktop printer:
Price ($, FOB)SKU 1SKU 2SKU 3SKU 4
1 pc (Sample)1250999800900
10 pcs1050899750680
100 pcs950799650580
As mentioned, the MOQ is often set at 5 to 10 pcs, essentially all suppliers are willing to sell individual 3D printer units – with or without buyer branding, as a product sample.

Applicable Product Standards & Regulations

3D Printers are subject to regulations applicable to electronic equipment, and machinery. Below follows an overview of applicable regulations in the United States and the European Union:
  • United StatesFCC Part 15, UL
  • European Union: Machinery Directive (MD), Low Voltage Directive (LVD), Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (EMC), RoHS, WEEE
Ensuring compliance is mandatory. Importing and selling non-compliant 3D printers is illegal and may result in a forced recall and major fines – or even a lawsuit, if a user is injured or property damaged. Our finding, when verifying 3D printer manufacturers in Greater China (Mainland China and Taiwan) is that the top manufacturers indeed has relatively strong compliance track records (i.e., a paper trail of previously issued certificates and third party test reports). Yet, very few suppliers can provide more than one or two 3D printer models with full US and/or EU compliance.
As explained in this article, a product may be partially compliant, in other words compliant with one directive, but not all applicable directives and standards. In the EU, buyers must ensure compliance with a range of different directives, and ensure that the product is CE marked. It’s quite common to find a product that is, for example, tested and certified for EMC Directive compliance – yet without documentation proving RoHS compliance and LVD compliance, the latter which is required for the AC adapter.
For an industry outsider, it’s a rather complicated situation. Still, far from unusual among electronics manufacturers in China and other Asian countries. Complementary compliance testing and certification is to be expected when buying 3D printers from China.
Our finding is also that compliance with EU regulations (i.e., EMC and LVD) is more common than US regulations and standards, for example FCC Part 15 and UL standards. However, compliance with EU standards is a strong indication of supplier capability to ensure compliance with other overseas standards, including those in the US.
Buyers from smaller markets, such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada, shall not expect suppliers to hold compliance documents valid in their markets. Instead, supplier and product selection must be based on compliance with other overseas standards. Again, that is in most cases, European Union directives.

3D Printer Filaments

Most 3D printer manufacturers purchase filaments from specialized subcontractors. Different 3D printers are made for certain types of filaments, for example the following:
  • PLA
  • PETG
  • ABS
  • Nylon
  • PET
  • TPE
  • TPU
While mass production using 3D printers is still rare, a 3D printed product is still subject to substance regulations:
  • United States: California Proposition 65, CPSIA (Children’s Products)
  • European Union: REACH, EN 71 (Toys)
This leads to the question as to whether 3D printer filament should be compliance tested as well. However, most substance regulations don’t apply to prototypes used for demonstration. This is likely an area of interest for the future. However, filaments must not be purchased from the 3D printer manufacturer in China, but from domestic suppliers, thereby reducing the risk of compliance issues.

Get Accurate Pricing & Product Data
From Verified Manufacturers in Asia

We help Startups & SMEs to get access to accurate information on unit pricing, tooling costs and lead times, for both ODM (Private Label) and OEM (Custom Designed) products. We have solutions tailored for the following industries:
Apparel & Textiles, Watches & Accessories, Electronics,
Home Products, Toys & Children, Materials, Parts & Tools

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The success story of Air Asia

Tony Fernandes's top 10 tips for entrepreneurs

1) You don’t need to know everything

I came from the music business. I knew nothing about planes. To all the entrepreneurs out there, you don’t need to know everything about what you want to do. It’s all about the idea, it’s about passion, it’s about implementing it.

2) Just do it!

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. You’ve got one life, so you can’t press the rewind button and say ‘I wished I had done that.’
So I recommend to all of you out there, just do it. Live your life to the utmost, be positive. If you fail, at least you have tried.

I have failed miserably at Formula One, but I have no regrets because I got to stand with the greats from Ferrari, McLaren, and others.

3) Passion is a key problem-solver

Dreams do come true. Don’t worry about failure. You have one life, make the most out of it. Nine times out of 10, if you have the passion, you will find a way to work through it.

4) Invest in marketing

If you have the greatest idea in the world, please, please, please put some money on marketing. This is because if you don’t put money on marketing, nobody is going to hear about your great idea.
There are so many great ideas that never took off because of a lack of marketing.

Marketing is not about the dollars, it is also about public relations (PR). In AirAsia, we had no money. So I ran around with a red cap on and said controversial things so that the press would always take a picture of me. That was our marketing in AirAsia’s early days.

We have been through so many issues, and marketing played a key role in overcoming them.
Remember SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)? At that time, nobody wanted to fly; we all thought we are going to die.

Everyone cut their advertising, but I told my guys not to cut because this was the best time to build our brand. In fact, we tripled our advertising and everyone looked at me and said, “Are you on drugs?” I said, no, it is the best time because no one else is advertising.

When the first Bali bomb attack happened, everyone cancelled their flights. I said to the guys, we cannot let the Bali route die. We must continue to fly.

So we came up with ‘Love Bali’ campaign, giving away 10,000 free seats, and it worked. All 10,000 seats were snapped up in like under one minute. And all those who got those seats told all their friends about it on social media. Your best advertisement is your customers.

5) Leverage social media

When Malaysians get a good deal, they will tell the whole world about it. So the 10,000 people who went and had a good time in Bali, told 10,000 people that they had a good time. That was the early gestation of AirAsia’s social media.
We realised the power of social media very early on, so when Facebook and Twitter came up, we latched onto them. We were early adopters. We now have 32 million people on our various social media platforms, and 7 per cent of our business comes directly from social media.
The Bali campaign taught us that our best advertisements are our customers.

6) Don’t be scared of complaints

Complaints are actually free market research. Someone took the effort to write to you to tell you where things went wrong and how they should be improved. These are things that companies pay a lot of money for consultants to tell them that same thing.

So we treat every email preciously.

7) Focus on one image when it comes to branding

During the early days, there was the word ‘AirAsia’ and a logo of a bird in our branding.
If you look at the top brands in the world, there’s only one image that comes to your mind. When I say “Shell,” you think of the Shell logo. When I say “Coca-Cola,” you think of the word ‘Coke’ in italics, and when I say “Nike,” you think of the swoosh.

So, back to our earlier AirAsia brand, we said drop the bird – we felt it was facing the wrong way anyway – and we used ‘AirAsia’ as our logo. Just one image. Why spend double the money to promote two images?

We also dropped the blue and the green colours. I tried very hard not to go with red, because everyone thinks that I want to be Richard Branson [the Virgin Group founder and Fernandes’ former boss] ... but it was the best colour, so we picked red.

So yes, the colour does make a big difference!

8) Go on the ground

What I used to do – although I don’t do this anymore – was that once a month, I would carry bags, I would be a cabin crew [member], and also at the check-in counter.

I did this for two reasons. The first is that you can’t be an effective CEO (chief executive officer) unless you go on the ground to experience the real situation.

Here’s a true story. The baggage handling team told me that they needed belt loaders. I told them, “No, we can’t buy that as it’s too expensive.”

So one day when I was tasked to carry bags, they put me on one of the Indonesia flights. People who fly with us generally bring their house with them, but people who fly to Indonesia bring their neighbour’s house as well!

So there was a lot of bags. I broke my back in the process, and I told my team that they were right and I was wrong, and let’s buy the belt loaders.

If I didn’t do that [go on the ground] and just sat comfortably in the office, I would have made a wrong decision, damaged a lot of bags, and probably started a union.

The second reason [for going on the ground] is that I wanted to look for talent. I wasn’t looking for the talents from Oxford or Cambridge, I was looking for the Grade 3 SPM [O Levels equivalent] kind of guys who needed a second chance.

9) Never underestimate the potential of your staff

I broke all the rules in terms of hiring people. To me, as long as you have a dream, you can do anything.
There was an ex-cabin crew member – she came up to me one day and told me that her dream was to become a pilot. I told her to go for it.

Then she called me up one day and asked if she could take part in the Miss Thailand [beauty pageant], and I told her okay, as long as I get to use her photographs in our marketing materials.

She won the [Miss Universe Thailand] pageant and recently became a captain – so we are the only airline in the world with a Miss Thailand flying with us.

The moral of the story is that we have such a flat structure that she was able to tell me what her dreams were, and we were able to make a raw diamond into a diamond.

Another one of my boys, a baggage handler in Kuching, told me he wanted to become a pilot. I told him to go for it. He passed all the exams ... he had the top marks in the flying academy. Today, he is a captain.

We have many of such stories at AirAsia.

Your biggest assets, besides your ideas, are your people – because at the end of the day, it is the people who will deliver your ideas.

10) Data is king

We have a huge amount of data that we don’t know what to do with it, but everyone else wants our data ... so we figured it must be something very valuable and there must be an opportunity there.

We are investing in a few ventures. We plan to launch our own version of TripAdvisor, a travel dongle, a new YouTube-type of channel and more – data will be playing an essential role in these ventures. Data will be king. —